Wednesday, September 17, 2008

thought I would give it a try...

As always, i am coming into my own technologically...just 10 years behind. I think I had a cell phone 2 years after everyone else. For the gaming generation, I just got an XBOX 360, 2 years after initial release, and its been about 15 years since I purchased my last system, a Sega Genesis (Remember Sonic the Hedgehog?!). HA!

So, I need a place to capture some thoughts. I have purchased a couple journals over the years, but never really follow through. I even picked up a beautiful leather journal in Venice about 10 years ago and I'll journal for about a week. Thats it.
With as much time as we spend on the internet these days, i think it may be easier to keep up this way. We will see...

I do know this, however: most days are over before they begin, and weeks fly by before I take the time to sum it all up, and by "it" I mean life and all that accompanies "it". I start to feel detached, and thats a scary thought. Days used to feel like years, and I miss the sanctity of how that felt. I knew that I had to make the best of each day. Now, from time to time, I find myself just praying to make it through the day, and that's a sad thought.

My best friend and I have been talking lately about losing our joy. Maybe this will be a way to recapture that feeling of truly living. Not just existing, but living. I have some amazing friends, an extremely loving family, and some other fairly monumental relationships to contribute to, and without a genuine internal joy, I have the potential to neglect them all.

So, a toast is in order. Here's to recapturing all that is beautiful, joyful, and enduring. Salud!


1 comment:

Jessica said...

aww I LOVE it!!! rekindling what used to be when we first met;)

your beloved